Deaths from accidents, shootings, heart attacks, strokes or other illnesses can happen during working hours. Employers must know in advance how to deal with such crises to avoid disruption in workflow and address the needs of the families and co-workers involved.
Few responsibilities are more difficult for managers than informing the family about an employee’s death at work. When an employee dies on the job, the manager suddenly takes on new and unfamiliar tasks that require immediate attention. After the call to 911, the family needs to be notified. For this difficult but necessary task, many questions arise: Who will do it? What should be said? If you are a manager or supervisor, below are some tips.
Advance planning
A manager must understand their personal response to death in order to reduce their anxieties and help them feel more confident during this stressful time. The more you know your individual experience, the more you will be able to anticipate your reactions when helping others. You can put your anxieties aside and reach out more comfortably to bereaved co-workers and family members.
Review corporate policies
Refresh your knowledge of corporate policies regarding bereavement. The family may want to know how the company can assist.
Ask the Employee Assistance Professional (EAP) or human resources department to prepare a list of the tasks that must be done after a death in preparation for a funeral. The list may include duties which the company or EAP may help to:
Arrange to transport those arriving at airports or train stations for the funeral
Find places for out-of-town relatives and friends to stay nearby
Look after the needs of the children
Help out with funeral arrangements
When the death occurs
Make a call to 911 so first responders can tend to the body.
Consider reaching out to the EAP representative; they may be available to spend time with the deceased employee’s co-workers.
Know the details
The family will have many questions and ask for detailed information. Before you call or visit them:
Learn as many details about the incident as you can.
Get the facts or find out where you can get them.
Reach out to the HR department. Depending on the type or cause of death, there may be protocol regarding what can be discussed.
Take a pad to jot down questions you must follow up on. If your employee has been taken to a hospital, be prepared to meet the family members there and plan to stay with them for a period of time, at least until other family members, friends or neighbors arrive.
Be as relaxed as possible
Dress comfortably (if possible) to be as relaxed as you can. If you do not have an opportunity to change clothes, it would be OK to take your tie or jacket off. Avoid any artificial relaxants like alcohol or sedatives. You need to be as clear-headed as possible.
Clear your schedule
Clear your schedule so you can stay with the family for as long as needed. If you are on a tight schedule, let the family know how long you can stay, and help them find someone who can be with them after you leave, such as a friend or relative.
Take another person with you
Consider taking another person with you (HR representative, EAP counselor, policeman, the friend’s co-worker, clergyman). A second person can provide moral support, not only for the family but for you, too. This person can:
Share in the hard decisions that may come up
Lend a second pair of eyes and ears to assess what is happening
Serve as a backup just in case you forget some vital detail
Help in case the family becomes upset
Debrief after the visit is over
At the home
If you do not meet the family at the hospital, plan to go to the home to deliver the sad news. Don’t be surprised at your own anxiety; this is a tough job. Upon arrival:
Be seated. Ask if you can come in and if you can sit down. Invite the family members to do so as well, as this will indicate that you are going to be there for a while.
Be aware of your facial expressions. The serious expression on your face will be the essential clue that something is wrong. This will help prepare the family members and let them know this is not a social call.
Avoid small talk. Take a few seconds to build up to the death news, saying something like “Hello, John. I regret that I am bringing some sad news,” or “I am sorry to be the one to tell you that Betty had a heart attack at work this morning and died.”
Don’t rush. Speak slowly, giving simple, factual information. Give people time to absorb what you have told them. Let them know you can stay for a while and invite questions. You may have to repeat the story several times as family members try to absorb what you have said. They are hearing you but may still be in shock and not believe the news yet.
Consider the health status of family members
If you have prior information about the health of the family members, it might be wise to contact the family physician or therapist. Otherwise, watch the physical reactions of the family and suggest professional help if you see some of the following:
Unusually pale skin color
Persistent sweating
Shortness of breath
Continued hysteria
Twitching of facial muscles
Other symptom that cause you to feel discomfort
Prepare for varying reactions
Be prepared for many different reactions, such as:
Unusual calm
People react in varying ways, and there is no way to predict their emotions under such circumstances.
Review company policy with family
If it feels appropriate, review certain parts of the company policy that pertain to the family’s immediate needs and assure the family of the company’s support. Alert them that airlines offer lower rates to close relatives who need to fly to a funeral.
Don’t forget the children
Don’t forget the unique needs of any children who may be there. Help the adults tell them what happened and invite questions. During times of crisis, children often hide in their room, under the bed or in the closet. If you noticed children earlier, inquire whether the family wants them to be involved in the conversation.
Help with phone calls
If you feel comfortable, ask if you can help with phone calls. Help the family call those who may need to be notified immediately, such as:
Other family members and friends
Family physician
Funeral director
Cemetery personnel
Insurance agents
Children’s school
Look for friends or relatives who can be with the family when you leave.
Hopefully, having to deal with the death of an employee on the job is not something a manager will have to do, but if and when it happens, you don’t want to be caught off guard. Remember, employees will watch what you do and consciously or unconsciously form judgments about you and your company. Preparing now for such eventualities will create an opportunity for you and your company to gain heightened respect and loyalty.
Source: American Hospice Foundation